Gmail makes it easy to copy and paste email addresses

Google has taken a few steps to make it easier for users to copy and paste an email address. The company added two new options in the Compose Mail screen on the Gmail app. Gmail enhanced the way to copy and paste an email address. Users will notice the ‘Copy’ and ‘Remove’ buttons in the same section. Users need to tap on the email address and its associated name going to appear on the screen with “Copy” and “Remove.”

Previously, users have to tap on the email address and then long-press the ‘Copy’ button which appears on the bottom right corner of the screen. This is a tiny change and the company didn’t officially announce this.

The new copy button is not visible to everyone, it is noticed by Android police to use the new copy button on the Gmail app. Google is bringing some changes. So, users may get it in the coming days.

Google added a new Contacts tab to Gmail which checks a detailed information card that shows the phone number, email address, team, manager, and office location. Gmail always uses a better and convenient experience like features of the Undo Send button, Schedule button, confidential mode, and more.

The Undo button first recalls a dispatched email before it goes to the recipient’s inbox. If Gmail’s Confidential mode is allowed, a recipient cannot copy, forward, or print the mail. Users can set the expiry time for the email or protect access with a passcode.

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