Zoom brings real time transcription, whiteboarding and other features soon

Zoom said it will expand its automated transcription feature to 30 languages and adding live translation services to 12 languages. It announced a host of new features at its Zoomtopia conference. This is simple for multi-lingual users to communicate better. It would be available to users by the end of next year. It is all set to get access at glance, whiteboarding and more.

Zoom said, “We’re committed to removing the barriers to effective and dynamic communication, and as part of that commitment, we’re planning to extend Zoom’s automated transcription to 30 languages and add live translation to 12 languages in the next year. Zoom connects users across the world, and this expansion of our transcription and translation features will help to overcome the language barrier that can prevent dynamic communication and collaboration. “

Zoom also announced that it is planning to release the Zoom Widget. It will soon get an at-a-glance view of the meeting schedule who is already in a meeting, send a quick chat. The users interact with a virtual whiteboard just as they would in person.

Zoom said that  “The enhanced Zoom Whiteboard, anticipated later this year, will enable seamless, asynchronous collaboration across a wide range of devices while providing a more engaging and streamlined meeting experience. You will be able to interact with a virtual whiteboard just as you would in person. We’re also teaming up with Oculus from Facebook to build a Zoom Whiteboard integration for Oculus Horizons Workrooms, which will allow users to access and annotate a whiteboard within a virtual reality environment,”.

Zoom is working to set up meeting spaces of all sizes. It set up Zoom Rooms Smart Gallery, which is available in public beta for now. It is creating Smart Gallery to enable remote workers to be represented equally on the screen with other participants, creating a more inclusive meeting experience for everyone.

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