Smartphone maker iTel on Friday refreshed its budget lineup and arrives with a 6.52-inch HD+ waterdrop display, a triple AI camera setup, fingerprint sensor, and face unlock for Rs 6,599. It has a Free Mono BT headset under a limited period offer. It is equipped with a 16.56 cm (6.52 inch) HD+ IPS waterdrop in-cell display with an aspect ratio of 20:9 and has headlined a 4,000mAh Li-polymer battery and 2GB RAM + 32GB internal storage. The company said that ‘Naye India Ka Naya Vision’ received an overwhelming response from consumers and provide innovative features backed with affordability. The Vision 1 PRO with a message of ‘India Badhega Aage Naye Vision Ke Saath’ which agreements with our Vision 1 PRO smartphone and power-packed and bigger avatar.
Arijeet Talapatra, CEO, TRANSSION India said that “We are highly optimistic that Vision 1 PRO will set new benchmarks in the sub 7K budget segment as it comes equipped with superior and trendy features, packed at an affordable price of Rs 6,599,”
The Vision 1 Pro is powered by a massive 4000mAH non-removable battery that have 800 hours standby, 24 hours average usage, 35 hours of playing music, 7 hours of playing videos, 8.5 mm hours of body, and 6 hours of gaming. The smartphone is provided with AI triple camera that has an 8-megapixel primary sensor that shoots wider landscapes. It is also provided with AI beauty mode, portrait mode, pano mode, pro mode, low light mode, HDR mode, and a front 5-megapixel selfie camera with AI beauty mode. The device operates on Android 10 and is powered by a 1.4 GHz Quad-Core processor for seamless multitasking functionality. The OEM is providing an adapter, USB cable, and a protective case in the box.